Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Iron Yard

I have the distinct privilege of attending a 12-week Back-End Engineering course that focuses on Java, JavaScript, and Clojure with The Iron Yard. More information about this program can be found here.

What makes this opportunity even more incredible is that my employer is sponsoring this course, allowing me to attend during my typical workday. I have been posting frequently, and will continue to chronicle revelations and experiences from this adventure under a separate blog found here.

I am optimistic that this experience will make me a better programmer, both for my employer and in personal pursuits. As my instructor encourages extensive blogging as part of the course, I hope that I can further cultivate the habit of blogging more regularly, spending more time answering technical questions, providing help, and generally being a contributing community member with this specific blog moving forward.

If you can think of any homework, technical questions, or just general topics worthy of further exploration, feel free to comment below. Thanks, and have a splendid day!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Hello world!

There is a tradition among programmers to code the first program in a brand new language to output a textual message of "Hello world!" This is my attempt at honoring that time-honored tradition, albeit via a different medium.

It is my hope to use this blog as a means to share lessons learned, exchange ideas, discuss best practices, and grow together as a community in all things technical. Cheers!